Monday, August 4, 2008

2 Bottom Front Teeth....

And he has a new trick...Holding his bottle! I could not be any prouder! LOL! Also his new thing is crawling "like a crawfish" He scoots backwards! It is really cute! Photobucket

Brooklyn did something amazing Sunday night.. she tried to cut her big toe off! She was helping her Daddy work in the yard.. and she grabbed the limb cutters and cut her big toe! So off to the ER we went.. a little super glue (AKA Dermabond) and a bath for her foot and she was good to go! All she was worried about was A. Can she still have her Jump N Jive birthday... and B. Can she still wear her "high heels and flip flops"? She is such a girly girl! Instead of sharing pics of that I will share pics of her "Treat" she got today at Bass Pro! We went to lunch with my mom and she ordered Macarroni and they were out so the cook comes and appologizes to her... and she got all upset! He felt so bad he promised her a special treat! Also a pic of what Nana got her for her birthday!

As for Skyler.. he is back from Texas! He had a blast but was so ready to come home.. he missed us! I forgot to mention how proud I am of him! He played Machine Pitch this past spring/summer and his team won the summer tournament! And came from last place in the league to 2nd! Sean helped coach and we all had a blast!

Sean left for Alabama today.. so things are quiet around here.. I have 101 things to do but dont wanna do any of it! No suprise there! But it will get done! I think that is about it for now! Hopefully nothing too exciting happens in the next few days!


Anonymous said...

Daddy's Boys & girl