Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I am sitting in my house typing this! FINALLY! After 9 Loooonnnnggg days... we got power last night! We were going out to dinner and had to drive past our street.. and I looked down and saw a light on down the street... I told Sean to turn around.. he thought it was just a generator causing the light to be on.. but Nope.. got home and we had power! I have never been more happy! We all slept like rocks in our own beds!

Now onto the bad news.. my dryer will not work.. I dunno wth the deal is with it! I dunno if something happened when Sean tried to hook the generator up or what?? So all the laundry I have been dying to do.. isnt getting done! Sean "looked" at it.. but does not have a clue.. I got mad at him and told him I was going tomorrow and buy a brand new set.. this set to be exact..
Then I got the "look"! LOL! So I guess he did not like that very much! LOL!
Besides that not much going on! Just Busy Busy Busy! Skyler goes back to school tomorrow.. and Brooklyn Friday Thank God! I thought I was going to have to beat them both today at wal-mart.. note to self.. "Do not take your kids on a restock the fridge/freezer shopping trip.. for your own sanity!" After that I was more ready than ever for them to go back!
Okay off to bed in my cold house with my warm bed! Ahhhhh Home!


Kelli said...

Its is amazing how it feels to get back into your own bed, that is one thing that I miss so much when I am not at home. So glad to hear that yall received power last night, even though it took a while I am so happy that everyone is safe. As far as the washer/dryer I have those, except my washer is the top load, I LOVE THEM! Good Luck on that one.....