Thursday, October 16, 2008

Part 2..

Be sure to check out the pics and stuff in the MawMaws Birthday post! I am busy blogging today! LOL!

Kim Kristie and I went and met Nana at work for lunch on Monday! (Oh and of course the babies too)

Here a few pics!

Speed hanging out in his highchair..

Hayden being held because he has learned (even when buckled) how to to climb out of his highchair! I swear Kim needs to tote around a chain and chain his butt in because that is the only way he is going to stay anywhere! I know Speed will be doing this soon enough and I am NOT looking forward to it! But as a big sis.. it is fun to watch Kim with him! LOL!

Speed in his big boy seat.. Note: It is a Britax in Mossy Oak Camo! Sean had to have this carseat when I told him about it! He wished they had it in an infant carrier! LOL! And now I LOVE IT! It was so worth the headache and $$! Thanks to Maw Maw for chipping in on that one! ;)

The MANY faces of Speed! (check out the wild hair)


Whatever LOL

Pissed off

And one of Miss Mae this am!

And lastly... Our Church fair is this weekend and my Mom and I run the "Country Store"! We start setting up tonight! I am excited! Pics to come of that!

But I got a wild hair and decided to bake for the bake shop... I got this idea out of a magazine!


Kelli said...

Cute Pics. Love the cupcakes...Hope to see yall this weekend.

HaydenMaddox said...

The cupcakes came out so cute. If I wasn't on a diet I would buy one this weekend. I love Speed's crazy hair!